Hey All..Long time - No blog! LOL! There have been a couple of reasons for that though. I have been busy with just life! I have been working at The Pita Pit, here in Great Falls now since last August. I still really love it there...my body is just not liking it as much.
I turned 35 in April and man, do I feel every year of it. I do attribute that a lot to my weight and the fact that I have not taken care of myself in years! I am thinking a vegetarian or vegan diet may be in the near future for me. The more I look at the positives and negatives, the more I am impressed with BOTH diets AND ways of life. I have been reading A LOT about organic and non-organic and I have to say non-organic is beginning to frighten me a lot. Not only am I worried about the effects some of this non-organic food will have on my children, but sometimes I feel my body is fighting me back for the years of abuse I have put it through.
I also have been enjoying my family. The four of us and of course, our pets. Also, our extended family! It's sometimes just fun to sit back and watch the whole dynamic of how everyone interacts. I have had issues in the past with piddly things here and there and swore I wouldn't let certain things go, but in the end, it feels better to just enjoy everything and everyone. I am constantly reminded of how short life is. It is sad really. The people we stop talking to, the people we don't want to forgive, the things we waste energy on. Energy that can be spent on better things.
I am also reminded by some of my closest friends that sometimes it's a good idea to try to reach out and help others. I am hoping to do this soon.
My first priority though, is family. My family. Garth, Jon, Sasha, and out pets. I feel that if everyone within my four walls is taken care of then if I have the time and energy to spend on other things and other people then I should and will be able to start helping others.
Now, how to do that? Well, I am not sure. I am wanting to do so much. I am wanting to actually vlog..for many reasons actually. I would love to have something to document our daily lives and the fun and funny things that happen.
I actually started it today but I am not sure it's the vlog I want for our maiden voyage into VLOG WORLD. It's kinda scary to put yourself out there. I am a very out going girl, but I am always uncomfortable with worrying what other's might think. I do have my husband and kids on board for the VLOG. They said it might be fun.
With the vlog, I know it will be all over the place at first. I am thinking of just vlogging my expectations and what I want to share with everyone and what I will keep OUT OF VIEW. I know I want our dinners and bedtimes/rooms to be ours without people seeing those.
Another reason I would like to vlog is if something were to happen to myself or any of us..we will always have the vlog to look at and watch. Our voices, smiles, faces will be preserved for eternity on-line.
Now, online, does scare me. But I am going to try to take safe guards to make sure everything is as safe as if can be for all of us. :)
I have no pics to share at this time, but I have a lot to go through. I have NO LAYOUTS to share either. I haven't scrap booked for so long. :( Hopefully that will all change. :)
Thanks for reading!
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